Friday, December 12, 2008

Halloween Scrap pages

Ok... to start with, I'm not the type of person who usually go out and party. I like house parties rather than going to the bar or clubs. I guess that's a sign of getting old? eerrrr... not really. I guess i'm just born that way... teehee..

So anyways, my sis-in-law's family from California, came down to P'cola and so we thought, maybe we can all hang out then.. so first, we went with my nephew, Everett, to his very first trick-or-treating. Well, I should say, it was also my first since in the Philippines, we have a different way of celebrating halloween. So we had fun! hahaha.. not sure if Everett did though.. but he's uber cute in his costume! I just love him... sigh...

So after that, we went to the Suite, which is one of the clubs in P'cola... (let me tell you, there's not much choices here...). It is a fairly decent place. Of course there's a lot of people there. It was a great experience. A lot of firsts happened that day.. to me and to my nephew. ;)


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